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第一条 为合理调节农林牧渔各业生产收入,公平税负,促进农业生产全面协调发展。根据《中共中央、国务院关于进行农村税费改革试点工作的通知》和《国务院关于对农业特产征收农业税的规定》,结合本省实际,制定本办法。
第二条 凡在本省生产本办法规定的应税农业特产品(生产烟叶产品除外)的单位和个人,均为农业特产税的纳税义务人(以下简称纳税人),均应缴纳农业特产税。
第三条 对下列农业特产品收入征收农业特产税:
第四条 农业特产税税目、适用税率,依照本办法所附的农业特产税税目及适用税率表执行。
第五条 农业特产税的应纳税额,按照农业特产品实际收入和规定的税率计算征收。农业特产品的实际收入以人民币计算。
第六条 农业特产税减征或免征的范围:
第七条 农业特产税的减免程序:个人减免税,由纳税人提出申请,经村委会签注意见,乡镇征收机关审核,报县级征收机关批准后执行;单位减免税,由纳税单位提出申请,经县级征收机关审核,报地(州、市)征收机关批准后执行;对本办法列举的应税品目以及一个地区的减税、免税,由地(州、市)征收机关报省级征收机关批准后执行。
第八条 纳税人生产应税农业特产品的,应当在产品生产地缴纳农业特产税。实行统一核算、跨地、县(市)、乡(镇)区域经营的生产单位的税收,由统一核算单位向所在地征收机关统一纳税。
第九条 农业特产税的纳税义务发生时间为农业特产品收获、出售或者收购的当天。
第十条 纳税人应当自纳税义务发生之日起30日内,向当地征收机关申报纳税。征收机关根据纳税人的申报核定缴纳税款期限,由县(市、区)征收机关决定,最长不得超过30日。
第十一条 征收机关可以采取查帐征收、查实征收、查验征收、评产定额等方法征收农业特产税。
第十二条 经县(市、区)人民政府批准,县级征收机关可以委托有关单位和个人(以下简称扣缴义务人)代扣代缴、代收代缴农业特产税。
第十三条 纳税人收购跨境运销应税农业特产品,需要办理外运手续的,应当持完税(含免税)凭证向产品收购地征收机关申请办理农业特产税应税产品外运手续。征收机关应当在接到纳税人申请的当天审核完毕,符合规定的,发给农业特产税应税产品外运完税证明。
第十四条 对生产环节的农业特产品征收农业特产税附加。附加率为农业特产税正税的20%。
第十五条 农业特产税征收经费按照实征正税及其附加的5%比例提取,具体使用和管理办法,由省财政厅另行规定。
第十六条 按照农业税和农业特产税不重复交叉征收的原则,对在原纳农业税土地上生产的应税农业特产品,自有收益之年起,不征收农业税,改征农业特产税。
第十七条 纳税人少报农业特产收入以及用其他手段不缴、少缴或者未按照规定期限交纳农业特产税应纳税款及附加的,经查实后,征收机关应当追缴其应纳税款,并按日加征万分之五的滞纳金;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第十八条 纳税人同征收机关在农业特产税及附加征收中发生争议时,应当先依法缴纳农业特产税税款、附加及滞纳金,然后可以在收到征收机关开具的完税凭证之日起60日内向同级人民政府或上级征收机关申请行政复议;纳税人对行政复议决定不服的,可以在接到行政复议决定之日起15日内向人民法院提起行政诉讼。
第十九条 征收机关工作人员在农业特产税及附加征收工作中,玩忽职守,滥用职权、徇私舞弊,不征、少征或多征应纳税款,致使税收遭受损失或使纳税人利益受到损害的,由所在单位或者监察机关给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第二十条 农业特产税及附加,由各级财政部门负责征收管理。
第二十一条 农业特产税的征收管理,参照《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》和《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法实施细则》的有关规定执行。
第二十二条 本办法执行中的具体应用问题由省财政厅负责解释。
第二十三条 本办法自公布之日起施行。1994年7月18日省政府颁发的《甘肃省关于农业特产收入征收农业税的实施办法》及其他相关规定同时停止执行。
| | | 适用税率 |
| 税 目 | 具 体 征 收 范 围 |---------|
| | |生产环节|收购环节|
|一、烟叶产品 |包括初烤烟叶、晾晒烟叶 | |20% |
|二、园艺产品 | | | |
| 毛茶 |包括红、绿毛茶、边销茶原料 |8% | |
| 水果 |包括苹果、梨、柑桔和其它各类水果、干果 |8% | |

| 花卉 | |8% | |
| 食用百合 | |7% | |
| 啤酒花 | |8% | |
| 黄花 | |6% | |
| 孜然 | |6% | |
| 茴香 | |6% | |
| |黑瓜籽、白瓜籽、红瓜籽 |8% | |
| |-------------------------|----|----|
| 瓜籽 |植种瓜籽 |6% | |
| |-------------------------|----|----|
| |葵花籽、无壳瓜籽 |5% | |
| 蚕茧 |包括桑蚕茧、柞蚕茧 |8% | |
| 苗木 | |8% | |
| 果用瓜 |包括西瓜、白兰瓜、黄河蜜瓜、各类甜瓜 |8% | |

|三、药材 |包括植物药材和动物药材 |7% | |
|四、水产品 | | | |
| 淡水养殖 |包括鱼、鱼苗、虾、甲鱼等 |8% | |
| 淡水捕捞 |包括鱼、鱼苗、虾、甲鱼等 |8% | |
|五、食用菌产品 |银耳、黑木耳、香菇、蘑菇、金针菇、原菌及食用菌等 |8% | |
| |原木、原竹 |8% | |
| |-------------------------|----|----|
| |生漆 |8% | |
|六、林木产品 |-------------------------|----|----|
| |板栗、毛栗、芦苇 |6% | |
| |-------------------------|----|----|
| |花椒、核桃 |7% | |
|七、蔬菜产品 |蔬菜(指日光温室、塑料大棚蔬菜) |5% | |

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第一条 为进一步扩大国际经济技术合作和交流,引进外资,促进社会主义商品经济的发展,外国的公司、企业和其他经济组织或个人(以下简称外国股东),按照平等互利的原则,可与中国的公司、企业或其他经济组织(以下简称中国股东)在中国境内,共同举办外商投资股份有限公司(以下简称公司)。
第二条 本规定所称的外商投资股份有限公司是指依本规定设立的,全部资本由等额股份构成,股东以其所认购的股份对公司承担责任,公司以全部财产对公司债务承担责任,中外股东共同持有公司股份。外国股东购买并持有的股份占公司注册资本25%以上的企业法人。
第三条 公司为外商投资企业的一种形式,适用国家法律、法规对于外商投资企业的有关规定。
第四条 设立公司应符合国家有关外商投资企业产业政策的规定。国家鼓励设立技术先进的生产型公司。
第五条 公司可采取发起方式或者募集方式设立。
第六条 以发起方式设立的公司,除应符合公司法规定的发起人的条件外,其中至少有一个发起人应为外国股东。
第七条 公司的注册资本应为在登记注册机关登记注册的实收股本总额,公司注册资本的最低限额为人民币3千万元。其中外国股东购买并持有的股份应不低于公司注册资本的25%。
第八条 股东认购的股份的转让应符合本规定第七条所规定的条件。发起人股份的转让,须在公司设立登记3年后进行,并经公司原审批机关批准。
第九条 发起人达成设立公司协议后,可共同委托一发起人办理设立公司的申请手续。具体程序是:
第十条 发起人提交的各项文件必须用中文书写。在发起人各方认为需要时,可商定再用一种外文书写,但以审批生效的中文文本为准。
第十一条 设立公司的申请书应概要说明:
第十二条 发起人协议应包括以下主要内容:
第十三条 发起人设立公司的协议、章程经对外贸易经济合作部批准后,发起人应在30日内凭对外贸易经济合作部颁发的批准证书到银行开立专用帐户。发起人应自批准证书签发之日起90日内一次缴足其认购的股份。发起人在公司发行的股份缴足之前应承担连带认缴责任。公司不能设立时,发起人为设立行为所发生的费用和债务负连带责任。
第十四条 以发起方式设立公司的,发起人按本规定第十一条的规定缴足其认购的股份后,应当选举董事会和监事会,由董事会向公司登记机关报送设立公司的批准文件、公司章程、验资证明等文件,申请设立登记。
第十五条 已设立中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业(以下简称外商投资企业),如申请转变为公司的,应有最近连续3年的盈利记录。由原外商投资企业的投资者作为公司的发起人(或与其他发起人)签定设立公司的协议、章程,报原外商投资企业所在地的审批机关初审同意后转报对外贸易经济合作部审批。
第十六条 上述申请经对外贸易经济合作部批准后,发起人应自批准证书签发并缴足其认购的股本金后向公司登记机关办理变更登记手续。
第十七条 外商投资企业变更登记为公司后,原外商投资企业的一切权利、义务全部转由公司承担。
第十八条 国有企业、集体所有制企业如申请转变为公司的,除符合本规定其他条款的规定外,还须符合以下条件:
第十九条 上述申请经对外贸易经济合作部批准后,发起人应自批准证书签发并缴足其认购的股本金后向公司登记机关办理变更登记手续。
第二十条 股份有限公司申请转变为公司的,除符合本规定其他条款的规定外,还须符合以下条件:
第二十一条 股份有限公司通过向社会公开发行人民币特种股票(B股),申请转变为公司的,应报送如下文件:
第二十二条 股份有限公司通过增资扩股或转股发行外国股东持有的股份,申请转变为公司的,除报送前条第(一)、(二)、(三)、(四)款规定的文件外,还应报送股份有限公司与定向购股人的购股协议等其他必要的文件。
第二十三条 股份有限公司在境外发行境外上市外资股(包括但不限于H股和N股)并在境外上市申请转变为公司的,除报送第二十一条第(一)、(二)、(三)、(四)款规定的文件外还应报送如下文件:
第二十四条 上述申请经对外贸易经济合作部批准后,原股份有限公司应持批准证书和公司的募股证明向工商行政管理机关办理变更登记手续。
第二十五条 本暂行规定未规定的公司的其它事宜,按《公司法》、“国务院关于股份有限公司境外募集股份及上市的特别规定”及有关规定办理。
第二十六条 凡属外商投资企业改组成公司的,其减免税等优惠期限,不再重新计算。
第二十七条 香港、澳门、台湾地区的公司、企业、其它经济组织或个人,在大陆投资设立公司的,准用此暂行规定。
第二十八条 本暂行规定由对外贸易经济合作部负责解释。

Provisional Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Trade andEconomic Cooperation on Certain Issues Concerning the Establishment ofCompanies Limited by Shares with Foreign Investment

(Promulgated on January 10, 1995)

Whole document
Provisional Regulations of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation on Certain Issues Concerning the Establishment of
Companies Limited by Shares with Foreign Investment
(Promulgated on January 10, 1995)
Article 1
In order to further expand international economic co-operation and
technological exchange, to absorb foreign investment and to promote the
development of socialist market economy, foreign companies, enterprises
and other economic organizations or individuals (hereinafter referred to
as foreign shareholders) may incorporate themselves into a company limited
by shares with foreign investment (hereinafter referred to as the company)
with Chinese companies, enterprises or other economic organizations
(hereinafter referred to as Chinese shareholders) within Chinese territory
on the principle of equality and mutual benefit.
Article 2
In these Regulations, the term "a company limited by shares with
foreign investment" refers to an enterprise legal person established in
accordance with these Regulations, with the entire capital being divided
into shares of equal value, where the shareholders bear responsibilities
to the company to the extent of the number of the shares they hold and the
company bears responsibilities for its debts with all its assets, and
where the Chinese and foreign shareholders jointly hold the company's
stock, with the shares subscribed and held by foreign shareholders being
more than twenty-five per cent of the company's registered capital.
Article 3
The company is one of the forms of enterprises with foreign investment
and shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations of the state
concerning enterprises with foreign investment.
Article 4
The establishment of such company shall be in conformity with the
state industrial policies concerning foreign investment. The state
encourages the establishment of production-oriented enterprises using
advanced technologies.
Article 5
The company may be established by means of promotion or offer.
Article 6
The company set up by means of promotion shall meet the conditions as
provided for in the Company Law on promoters, with at least one of the
promoters being a foreign shareholder.
The company established by means of offer shall meet the requirements
as provided for in the preceding paragraph, with at least one of the
promoters having records of continuously making profits in the recent
three consecutive years prior to the offer. In case the aforementioned
promoter is a Chinese shareholder, the last three years' financial
statements audited by a Chinese certified public accountant should be
furnished. In case the aforementioned promoter is a foreign shareholder,
the financial statements audited by a certified public accountant
registered in its country of residence should be furnished.
Article 7
The registered capital of the company shall be the total share capital
registered with the registration authority and actually paid in. The
minimum amount of the registered capital of the company shall be RMB 30
million, with the shares subscribed and held by foreign shareholders being
no less than twenty-five per cent of the registered capital.
Article 8
The transfer of the shares subscribed by the shareholders shall meet
the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of these Regulations. The
promoters' shares may be transferred after three years from the date of
registration of the company, subject to the approval by the original
examination and approval authority.
Article 9
After the promoters conclude an agreement to establish the company,
they may jointly entrust one of them to handle all matters regarding the
application for setting up the company. The detailed procedures are as
(1) the applicant shall submit an application for the setting up of
the company, feasibility study report, asset evaluation report, etc. to
the competent departments of the provinces, autonomous regions,
municipalities directly under Central Government and cities with
independent planning (hereinafter referred to as the competent
departments) where the applicant is located. Prospectus shall also be
submitted for the application of establishing a company through offer of
(2) the aforementioned documents, upon examination by and with the
consent of the competent departments, shall be submitted, through the
competent departments, to the foreign economic and trade departments of
the same provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under
Central Government and cities with independent planning. Upon approval of
the documents by foreign economic and trade departments, the promoters
shall officially sign an agreement for the establishment of the company
and its articles of association. And
(3) the agreement for the establishment of the company and the
articles of association signed by the promoters shall, upon examination by
and with consent of the foreign economic and trade departments of the
provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central
Government and cities with independent planning, be submitted to the
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic cooperation for examination and
approval. The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall
decide to approve or disapprove it within 45 days.
Article 10
All kinds of documents provided by the promoters shall be written in
the Chinese language. Where all promoters consider it necessary, a foreign
language agreed upon by all the promoters can be used simultaneously.
However, the examined, approved and effectuated Chinese version shall be
Article 11
The application for establishing a company shall lay down the
(1) names, domiciles and the legal representative of the promoters;
(2) name, domicile and aims of the company to be established;
(3) method to establish the company, total value of shares, share
category, value per share, proportion of the shares subscribed by
promoters and the scope and means of the offer;
(4) the production and management situations of the promoters,
including information about production and management, assets and
liabilities and profitabilities in the recent three years (only applicable
to promoters who establish a company by means of offer);
(5) the fields of capital investment and business scope of the
(6) time of the application, signature of the legal representative of
the promoters and official stamp of the promoters' unit; and.
(7) other matters that need to be elaborated.
Article 12
The promoters' agreement shall include the following main contents:
(1) names and domiciles of the promoters; name, nationality, domicile
and post of the legal representative;
(2) name and domicile of the company to be established;
(3) objectives and business scope of the company;
(4) means of establishment and structure of the company;
(5) the company's registered capital, total shares, share category
and the number, form and subscription period of the shares subscribed by
(6) rights and obligations of the promoters;
(7) liability for breach of agreement;
(8) application of law and settlement of disputes;
(9) effectiveness and termination of the agreement;
(10) time and place of signature of the agreement, signature of the
promoters; and
(11) other matters that need to be notified.
Article 13
After the promoters' agreement to establish the company and the
articles of association are approved by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Cooperation, the promoters shall, within 30 days, open a
special-purpose bank account with a bank by presenting the certificate of
approval issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.
The promoters shall make full payment in one installment of all the shares
subscribed within 90 days from the date of issue of the certificate of
approval. The promoters shall undertake the joint and several liability
for the subscription before all the capital subscribed to the company by
themselves is paid. The promoters are also jointly liable for the debts
and expenses arising from actions to establish the company if the company
fails to be established.
Article 14
Where the company is established by means of promotion, after the
promoters have made full payment for shares subscribed in accordance with
the provisions of Article 11, an election for the board of directors and
the board of supervisors shall be made. The board of directors shall
submit the document of approval to establish the company, articles of
association, certificate of capital verification, etc. to the
registration authority and apply for the registration.
Where the company is established by means of offer, after the full
payment has been made for the shares issued, it must be verified and given
certificate by an authorized investment verification organization. The
promoters shall within 30 days, hold the founding meeting of the company
and elect the board of directors and the board of supervisors. The board
of directors shall submit document of approval, the company's articles of
association, certificate of capital verification, memorandum of the
founding meeting, etc. to the registration authority to apply for the
The registration authority shall complete the registration formalities
and issue the business licence within 30 days after it receives all
documents for registration.
Article 15
Where existing Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese-foreign
cooperative joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises
(hereinafter referred to as "enterprises with foreign investment") apply
to reorganize themselves into a company, the enterprises with foreign
investment must have a record of making profits for the recent 3
consecutive years. The investors of the original foreign investment
enterprises shall act as the promoters (or together with other promoters)
to sign the agreement for the set up of the company and the articles of
association and then submit them to the original examination and approval
authority in the location of the original foreign investment enterprise
for preliminary examination and approval and onward submission to the
Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for final approval.
The following documents shall be submitted where an enterprise with
foreign investment applies for such reorganization:
(1) contract, articles of association of the original enterprise with
foreign investment;
(2) decision of the board of directors of the original enterprise with
foreign investment on the reorganization of the enterprise;
(3) agreement of the investors of the original foreign investment
enterprise on the termination of the original contract and articles of
(4) asset evaluation report of the original enterprise with foreign
(5) the promoter's (including but not limited to the investors of the
original enterprise with foreign investment) agreement;
(6) articles of association of the company;
(7) business licence, certificate of approval, and the financial
report of the recent 3 consecutive years;
(8) application letter for the establishment of the company;
(9) the promoters' credit references; and
(10) feasibility study report.
Article 16
After the foregoing applications are approved by the Ministry of
Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, the promoters shall go through the
procedure of alteration of registration after the issuance of approval
certificate and full payment of the capital shares subscribed.
Article 17
Upon the completion of the formalities for the alteration of
registration, all the rights and obligations of the original enterprise
with foreign investment shall be fully assumed by the company.
The obligations committed by the Chinese and foreign investors of the
enterprise with foreign investment in the original contract and articles
of association should be specified in the promoter's agreement and
articles of association and made applicable to the company to be
Article 18
A state-owned enterprise or a collectively-owned enterprise which
applies for reorganizing itself into a company shall meet the following
requirements in addition to other provisions as provided for in these
(1) the enterprise shall have an operational period of no less than
five years, and have records of taking profits in the recent three
consecutive years;
(2) shares of the enterprise as subscribed with freely convertible
foreign currencies and held by foreign shareholders shall take more than
twenty-five per cent of the registered capital of the enterprise; and
(3) the business scope of the enterprise shall be in line with the
state's industrial policies for enterprises with foreign investment.
The agreement for the setting up of the company and the articles of
association signed by Chinese and foreign shareholders as promoters shall
be submitted to the local examination and approval authority for
preliminary examination and approval and onward submission to the Ministry
of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation for final approval.
The following documents shall be submitted in order to apply for the
(1) asset evaluation report of the enterprise;
(2) application letter for the establishment of the company;
(3) feasibility study report;
(4) promoters' agreement;
(5) the company's articles of association;
(6) business license and balance sheets for the recent three
consecutive years of the enterprises;
(7) credit references of the promoters; and
(8) other necessary documents.
Article 19
Upon the approval by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation for the above mentioned application, the promoters shall,
after the issuance of the approval certificate and full payment of the
share capital subscribed, apply to the registration authority for the
alteration of registration.
Article 20
A company limited by shares applying for reorganizing itself into the
company shall meet the following requirements in addition to other
provisions as provided for in these Regulations:
(1) the establishment of the company limited by shares was duly
approved by the State;
(2) the shares subscribed with freely convertible foreign currencies
and held by Foreign Shareholders shall take more than twenty-five per cent
of the company's registered capital; and
(3) the business scope of the company limited by shares shall be in
line with the industrial policies for enterprises with foreign investment.
Article 21
Where a company limited by shares applies to reorganize itself into a
company by means of issuing Renminbi Special Shares (B Shares) to the
public, the following documents shall be submitted:
(1) the decision of the shareholders' meeting on reorganizing itself
into a company;
(2) asset evaluation report of the original company limited by shares;
(3) application report on the reorganizing itself into the company;
(4) agreement on the additions and amendments to the articles of
association of the original company limited by shares;
(5) approval document from the security administration authority on
the public offer of Renminbi Special Shares (B Shares); and
(6) other necessary documents.
Article 22
Where a company limited by shares applies to reorganize itself into a
company by increasing capital and making public offer of new shares or
reverting to offering shares to be held by foreign shareholders, it shall
submit, in addition to the documents set out in item (1), (2), (3) and (4)
in the preceding article, the share subscribing agreement entered into
between the company limited by shares and the specifically-targeted
subscriber (s) as well as other necessary documents.
Article 23
A company limited by shares, which is listed and makes public offer of
shares outside the Chinese territory to foreign investors (including but
not limited to H shares and N shares) and applies for the reorganization
into the company, should submit the following documents in addition to
documents set out in item (1), (2), (3) and (4) of Article 21:
(1) approval document from the security administration authority on
the overseas listing;
(2) approval document from the security administration authority
outside the Chinese territory on the public listing of the original
company limited by shares; and
(3) transaction records of the overseas listed shares of the original
company limited by shares.
Article 24
Upon approval by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation on the above mentioned application, the original company
limited by shares shall apply for the alteration of registration by
presenting the approval document and the public offering certificate to
the administration authority for industry and commerce.
Article 25
Other matters relating to the company that are not provided for in
these Provisional Regulations shall be handled in accordance with the
Company Law and Special Regulations of the State Council on Offer and
Listing of Shares Outside the Territory by Companies Limited by Shares.
Article 26
The tax holidays for tax exemption and reduction etc. shall not be
recalculated for a company reorganized by an enterprise with foreign
Article 27
These Provisional Regulations are applicable to the companies
established with investment by companies, enterprises, and other economic
organizations or individuals from the regions of Hong Kong, Macao and
Article 28
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation shall take
charge of the interpretation of these Provisional Regulations.





第一条 为了加强耕地地力保养,提高耕地质量,促进农业生产持续稳定发展,根据《中华人民共和国农业法》等法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本办法。
第二条 在本省行政区域内利用耕地种植农作物以及从事耕地地力保养活动的单位和个人,必须遵守本办法。
第三条 耕地保养贯彻全面规划、合理利用、用养结合、防止污染、综合治理的原则。
第四条 县级以上人民政府应当加强对耕地保养管理工作的领导,建立耕地保养监督管理制度;根据财政资金状况和耕地保养的实际需要,从财政支农专款中每年安排一定数量的经费用于耕地地力保养;并采取有效措施提高耕地质量。
第五条 县级以上农业行政主管部门负责本行政区域内耕地保养的管理工作,开展耕地保养的宣传教育,组织对耕地地力分等定级,作好耕地保养的技术指导,加强耕地保养的监督检查,依法查处破坏耕地地力的行为。
第六条 耕地使用者应当用养结合,采取有利于提高耕地质量的耕作方式,禁止用地不养地的掠夺式经营行为。
第七条 使用耕地应当充分利用土地资源和温光资源,提高复种指数,增加农作物产量。禁止弃耕抛荒。
第八条 耕地使用者应当采取科学的施肥方法,运用测土配方施肥技术平衡施肥,按照有机与无机相结合、大量元素与微量元素相结合、投入与产出相结合的施肥原则培肥地力。
第九条 耕地使用者应当增加使用有机肥料,发展冬绿肥,常年积制土杂肥,推广秸秆直接还田和过腹还田。禁止在田间焚烧秸秆。
第十条 各级人民政府应鼓励和支持开发利用商品有机肥料,实行工厂化生产、商品化经营、社会化服务。
第十一条 推广使用的复混肥、配方肥、微量元素肥、植物生长调节剂、土壤调理剂及其它新型肥料,必须按照国家有关规定,经省级以上农业行政主管部门登记。未经登记的,一律不得进入农业推广领域。
第十二条 向耕地提供的肥料和作为肥料使用的城市垃圾、污泥,必须符合国家规定的标准。禁止使用严重损耗土壤潜在肥力和破坏土壤结构的化学、生物肥料。
第十三条 采取农业防治、生物防治和化学防治的方式防治病虫害,推广使用高效、低毒、低残留农药。禁止使用剧毒农药,限制使用长残留除草剂。栽培用的塑料薄膜等废弃物必须当年清除干净,防止对耕地造成污染。
第十四条 在耕地周围倾倒、堆放、处置对耕地地力有害的固体废弃物,必须采取有效措施,防止对耕地造成危害。
第十五条 县级人民政府应当根据当地实际情况制定耕地地力分等定级办法,由农业行政主管部门会同国土资源管理部门组织实施,对耕地地力分等定级,并建立档案。
第十六条 县级以上农业行政主管部门应当加强对耕地地力的监测工作,建立健全监测网点,配备必要的仪器设施,定期对耕地地力进行监测和评价。
第十七条 县级以上农业行政主管部门的监测机构,应当对耕地地力进行经常性检查评价,建立档案,并适时对耕地地力动态变化情况进行预测预报。
第十八条 县级以上农业行政主管部门应当将地力监测和评价结果以及提出的具体耕地保养措施,定期报告同级人民政府和上级农业行政主管部门,并抄送有关部门,指导耕地使用者实施。
第十九条 任何单位和个人不得以耕地地力保养为由,向农民收取任何形式的费用。
第二十条 违反本办法规定,生产、销售未经登记的肥料产品或者生产、销售的肥料产品有效成份(含量)与登记批准的内容不符的,由县级以上农业行政主管部门给予警告,并处违法所得3倍以下罚款,但最高不得超过30000元;没有违法所得的,处10000元以下罚款。
第二十一条 农业行政主管部门及其他有关部门的工作人员玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊,给耕地保养管理工作造成损失的,由其所在单位或有关主管部门给予行政处分。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
第二十二条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可依法申请复议,或者向人民法院起诉。期满不申请复议,也不向人民法院起诉,又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。
第二十三条 本办法应用中的具体问题,由省农业行政主管部门负责解释。
第二十四条 本办法自发布之日起施行。
